Family History Packages & Gifts
All products are compiled using the latest Research & Design Technology.
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How much does it cost?
It depends what you want but broadly speaking, if you want expert help with your family history you should expect to spend at least a couple of hundred pounds. My most popular product is the Personalised Family Tree with Records Booklet
How do you calculate your prices?
All prices are based on costs such as essential paperwork (each document between £3 and £23 each), subscriptions and printing, plus time which is typically anything up to four weeks work.
How far back do you go?
Early 1800s, late 1700s. I specialize in researching people born after Civil Registration (the legal requirement to have a birth certificate) was introduced (early 1800s).
What information do you need?
As a bare minimum – the full name and date of birth of the ‘Home Person’ and the names of at least one of their parents. The more information you can give me beyond that, the better. Documents and paperwork needs to be sent to me via Email
What if I don't have any information?
Not a problem. There are lots of people who’ve come to me not knowing anything past their parents’ names and I’ve managed to trace back to all 16 of their great-great-grandparents.
Can you just use my research and put it into a Family Tree and/or book?
Absolutely. I’ve done all sorts of custom Family Trees for people and had brilliant feedback on them. Paper-based research will need to be scanned and shared with me electronically and I can view online research (on Ancestry, Find My Past, My Heritage) – you’ll need to send me a Share invite using my email address​
My sibling wants a copy - do I have to pay twice?
No. If I do a Family Tree or a Book you pay once and then additional copies can be purchased at a reduced price. It depends on the size of the project but generally speaking, an unframed tree print is around £25 and a Story Book around £40. This makes it an ideal way to sort out all your Christmas presents in one go!
Do you include living family members on the Family Tree?
Yes. If the Family Tree is for Grandma, I'll make sure all her grandchildren are on there for her to see. The details (names and dates/places of birth) of living people need to be provided by you, I don’t research living people.
Do you ship abroad?
Yes. I’ve shipped Family Trees and Books all over the world, usually via Parcelforce. Postage and Packaging is charged on an ad-hoc basis and is additional to the cost of a project. Shipping to a UK mainland address is included in the prices shown on the website.
Do you do DNA queries?
No. My focus is on ‘old fashioned’ paper based researched that allows us to uncover stories.
Can you help me find a living relative?
No. I don’t offer services that seek out people who are, or may still be, living.